Terms of Service

Welcome to EnvoHost!

By using EnvoHost's services, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

Last Updated: May 11, 2024

Please note that these terms of service may be updated at any time.


We employ the use of cookies. By accessing EnvoHost, you agree to use cookies in accordance with our Privacy Policy.


Unless otherwise stated, EnvoHost and/or its licensors own the intellectual property rights for all material on EnvoHost. All intellectual property rights are reserved. You may access this from EnvoHost for your own personal use subjected to restrictions set in these terms and conditions.

You must not:

Refund Policy

Refunds are available within 48 hours of the initial purchase. No disputes or chargebacks are allowed. Refunds are also eligible if the service you purchased is not what was offered.

Usage Policy

By using our services, you agree not to engage in any illegal activities, including but not limited to crypto mining, hosting adult content, or any other activities prohibited by law or that violate our Acceptable Use Policy.

Termination or Suspension

EnvoHost reserves the right to terminate or suspend your services at any time without reason or prior notice. A suspended service may be appealed within 2 weeks. If an appeal is rejected, you cannot appeal again, and your service will be terminated (deleted) without the possibility of data recovery. If you don't appeal, your service will be terminated after 2 weeks.

Content Liability

We shall not be held responsible for any content that appears on your website or server. You agree to protect and defend us against all claims that arise from your use of our services.

Reservation of Rights

We reserve the right to request the removal of any content or links that violate these terms of service. By using our services, you agree to comply with any such requests.


To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all representations, warranties, and conditions relating to our services and the use of this website. We will not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature arising from your use of our services.

For support inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].